Introducing: Vendragar the Bald

March 27, 2020

Introducing: Vendragar the Bald

Being quarantined and WFH means more time to get back to doing 3D renders. And I’m back to my old inspirations. I’ve recently watched some old fantasy movies; I’ve always loved the muscular barbarians wearing small loincloths, but why aren’t there more hairy barbarians?

Meet Vendragar the Bald.

Vendragar’s weapon of choice is the axe. He doesn’t have a favorite axe yet, so in this picture he is wielding a dwarven axe he found in a dungeon. He prefers to go barechested and barefoot, though sometimes he might use a pair of boots. He most always wear his favorite belt and leather jockstrap combo, the one that you can see in this picture.

Do you like him? I hope you do, because you’ll be seeing a lot more of him in the near future.

Let me know your thoughts on Twitter!